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Notre sylviculture vise à produire du bois d’œuvre pour des usages tels que charpente, panneaux, ou ameublement permettant ainsi d’accroitre les rôles de séquestration et de substitution du bois.
Notre activité est créatrice d’emplois durables et non délocalisables dans les territoires dans lesquels nous intervenons. Elle vise à renforcer la filière forêt-bois française et pérenniser la ressource de demain.
Les projets sylvicoles que nous développons bénéficient de la bonification prévue par le Ministère de la Transition Écologique (Arrêté du 4 juin 2023). Cet arrêté valorise les projets favorables à la préservation et la restauration des écosystèmes naturels et de leurs fonctionnalités.
The economic operation is therefore positive or nil for the owner from the start.
In case of revenues from the sale of the wood harvested before reforestation, Neosylva asks the owner to reinvest a fixed part of these revenues and brings the rest of the required financing.
In the absence of prior income, notably in the case of afforestation of agricultural land or following a major decline (bark beetles and chalarose), Neosylva finances the entire work.
From the seventh year, the owner can terminate the contract at any time by paying Neosylva an indemnity whose amount is predefined in the contract.
Neosylva is paid with the owner’s family on the value created in the long term (wood and environmental services). The income from hunting remains with the owner.
Our interests are therefore closely aligned.
The owner keeps all his rights in terms of taxation. The Neosylva offer can be combined with other existing financial aid schemes.
More information available on the CRPF website.
With Neosylva, the owner ensures that he will pass on to his descendants a forest heritage that is developed and managed sustainably.
The signed contract is the subject of a notarial deed, ensuring the continuity of the support over time.
With the support of the professionals of the sector, Neosylva takes care of the forest management and accompanies the owner in all his administrative steps: elaboration or modification of the Document of Sustainable Management, authorization of cutting, request for subsidy…